Mandy is a typical teen, but has decided abstinence is the way to go. Why?

Because she believes that having sex before marriage is morally wrong. She learned that in her youth group at church. Religion made a difference in her thinking.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention did a study that backed up what Mandy is saying. A 2006-2010 survey found that over half of both girls and boys who practiced abstinence, did so for religious reasons. Surprisingly, “avoiding a sexually transmitted disease” was not the main reason to be abstinent.

And despite the sexually saturated media culture, the study also found that the percentage of sexually experienced females declined from 1988 to 2006 (51% to 43%). Furthermore, parents have an impact on their teens’ sexuality. When a girl lives with both parents versus other parental arrangements, , she is less sexually active (35% versus 54%). So parents, don’t give in to the idea that your presence doesn’t matter. Keep talking to your teen about the importance of abstinence.

Finally, more good news that you won’t hear from general media. Since the “True Love Waits” campaign began and sexual abstinence was presented as an alternative to having sex, teen sexual activity has dropped every year. Religion does matter and provides a moral grounding!

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