Why is it that so many people are obsessed with weight and looking perfect?

One reason has to do with the distraction beauty and weight loss serve in our lives. For example, it’s easier to obsess over an outfit than resolve a conflict with a friend. The art of make-up can be mastered before you master how to cope with stress. Or you can spend time dieting instead of learning how to relax your body. In other words, body obsession serves a purpose or we wouldn’t do it. One purpose it to distract us from more meaningful issues in our lives.

Since you only have one body here on earth, you can make it your obsession, or you can take a more balanced approach and develop other parts of you. If you or someone you know, needs to let go of body obsession, here are five steps to help:

1) Stop pouring over fashion magazines and filling your mind with unrealistic images of what people are “supposed” to look like as determined by some fashion guru.

2) Refocus your conversations away from the superficiality of appearance. Talk about more meaningful topics.

3) Next time you are with another person, concentrate on his or her character qualities.

4) Accept your imperfections. We all have them!

5) Review your eating habits. Let go of fad diets or any diet for that matter. Focus on healthy eating- smaller portions and healthy choices. And if you eat a chocolate bar, don’t freak out! Give yourself a break without giving in to defeat.


For more help with body obsession, check out Dr. Mintle’s book, Making Peace With Your Thighs (and other body parts): Get off the scales on on with your life!

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