It’s a dangerous trend. Young girls post videos of themselves on You Tube or other social media and then ask people to rate them on this question– Am I pretty or not?

I went to one You Tube and almost 5,000,000 people viewed the video. The responses range from nice and nasty.

Parents, be concerned.The impact of negative responses on-line can damage a girl’s self-esteem. The focus on outward beauty is already out of control in our culture. These videos and social media sites take the pressure to measure up to some ideal of beauty to a new level. Asking other people to determine your beauty is asking for trouble. As an eating disorders therapist, I only see this as one more way to crush self-esteem.

Girls at this age are still developing a sense of self. When identity is based on anything other than who we are in Christ, it can be shattered. Self-image is based on your own ideas of acceptance and accomplishment. Giving strangers the power to speak into that acceptance is dangerous. A God image is built on the inherent dignity and worth you have because you are God’s child. You reflect His image which makes you beautiful. People look at the outward appearance and judge us by our looks. Scripture reminds us that this is not God’s way.

So why would anyone give the power to others to determine her worth? To all these young girls looking for acceptance from others, you are already worth so much, beautiful to God and valued. Don’t give others the power to define you.


For more help, Breaking Free from Negative Self-Image.



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