Letting Go of Worry is officially out now. Tell your friends. Get a copy and a few extras to give to friends. It is possible to live a worry free life and this book will tell you how to do that. The book works you through the physical, emotional. relational and spiritual issues related to worry and helps with specific worries related to health, jobs, finances and relationships. The final section will help you build a live of peace and contentment no matter what you experience.

Love to hear your feedback. Write a review on Amazon.com.

And congratulations to all the contest winners. Your free copy will be on the way shortly.

Had a warm and big reception to the book at the AACC World Conference this past week in Nashville. Enjoyed meeting all of you and doing the first book signing.

Have a great week and remember the difference of being worried versus showing concern!

Also don’t forget to sign up for my free E-Newsletter on my website. It comes out today.

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