I don’t usually do this but as a weight loss expert, I was intrigued. I clicked on one of the Facebook free ads. It was about the three foods that promised to rid you of belly fat. I laughed several times during the pitch, not because the man was entertaining, but because there were so many problems with his presentation. First clue, he mispronounced the name of the Mayo clinic. Then I noticed incorrect grammar  yet he was posing at some expert who read medical journals.

Those things aside, his first message was don’t eat healthy food-his rationale would make a dietitian turn in her grave!

Second message was lose weight fast, no matter how you do it. Weight loss experts know that losing weight quickly with fad methods usually results in quick regain.

Next message–don’t do cardio or weight lifting exercises. His thinking was so crazy, I can’t even recap. And what was scary,  he misquoted reputable studies. Exercise it not solely about losing weight. It has many other benefits for overall health so telling people not to do it, is nuts!

The craziest message was that weight gain is not your fault. We are all victims of bad advice and simply not given the secrets. Of course he will for a price.

After 15 minutes in, I couldn’t listen any more. And of course, he told me none of his secrets. I’m guessing for that I have to pay!

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