Is there a lesson for modern Christians in the story of Hanukkah? Yes, says Ted Olson in this provocative article he posted on Olson recounts the story of how Judah Maccabee and his band of warriors successfully rebelled against efforts by the Syrian King Antiochus IV to integrate the Jews into Greek religion and culture. In the story, Olson sees a metaphor that should humble any Christian who believes that it is his or her right to say “Merry Christmas” to anyone, regardless of their faith.

To these folks, Olson says, “Just say Merry Christmas? To everyone? Regardless of whether they actually celebrate Jesus’ birth? To borrow a line from Band Aid (creators of the worst holiday song of all time), “Do they know it’s Hanukkah?” For the story of Hanukkah ironically sheds light on the aggressive “Merry Christmas!” trend.”
Click here to read Olson’s entire essay.
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