In Green Bay, Wisconsin, a nativity scene was erected in front of City Hall. Some members of the community felt that this was an inappropriate public display of religion, and one man felt strongly enough about it to request that a Festivus pole be erected next to the creche. Festivus, of course, is the fictional holiday, popularized by the “Seinfeld” show, in which an unadorned aluminum pole is posted and people partake in rituals including “feats of strength” and “the airing of grievances.”

According to this Associated Press article, resident Sean Ryan requested the Festivus display in order to “showcase how deciding what religions to include in the display can turn to the absurd.”
Green Bay Mayor Jim Schmitt, however, is not amused. The mayor says that a Wiccan pentacle display was installed at City Hall after residents requested it, proving that the city is willing to display symbols of legitimate religions.
The “silly antics” of the Festivus request, Schmitt said, “is kind of making a laughing matter of something that’s rather serious.”
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