The Deacon's Bench

This is the time of year when a lot of us are planning vacations. But I don’t think any of us have taken a trip like the one Miles Hilton-Barber took. Three months ago, this 58-year-old father of three flew halfway around the world, from London to Sydney Australia. It took him 59 days, through…

Among Catholics, probably the only subject likely to stir up more debate and inflame more passions than the liberalization of the Tridentine Rite is Harry Potter. Ask any Catholic parent what they think of him, and the series of books and movies that are so beloved by so many children, and you’ll get an earful.…

The USCCB is about to unveil something exciting: an interactive web site and public service ads that are designed to help make marriages stronger. One of the guiding forces behind this is Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver, who chairs the Bishops’ Committe on Marriage and Family. (Department of Full Disclosure: I was one of several…

A huge hat tip to Diane at The Word, for bringing this little bit of mirth to my attention. “Those things are harder than they look.” Heh.

It looks like Archbishop John Foley is destined to get his red hat. The 71-year-old Foley has been head of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications since 1984, and he is probably (to my knowledge, at least) the only high-ranking member of the hierarchy with a master’s from Columbia University’s School of Journalism. Today, he…

Amy Welborn has turned a spotlight on a relativley new order of Benedictine nuns — founded just 12 years ago — who are defying the odds and actually thriving. According to the Catholic Key diocesan paper in Kansas City: “Oh, how we need vocations to the consecrated life!” With those words, Bishop Robert W. Finn…

Finally, someone has devised a handbook for the ordinary Catholic who doesn’t speak Latin, or Hebrew, or Italian — but keeps tripping over foreign phrases that pop up routinely in mass or in conversation. According to the Catholic News Service, it’s the brainchild of a priest and, believe it or not, focus groups: In student…

As I mentioned elsewhere, I’ll be baptizing my first batch of babies this Sunday. There will be 10, including one set of twins. My wife has generously offered to give me a hand (as “minister of the towel,” among other things). Coincidentally, today I was sent the picture on the left, from my nephew’s wedding…

I normally don’t want to stray too far afield of our Catholic faith here, but I found this item in the Washington Post quite interesting, on a number of fronts. First, it was written (separately) by the legendary Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward. Second, it delves into the shared faith of two radically different types…

My cyber pal The Anchoress has sent out a plea for prayers. At one time or another, we’ve all been in that place — a place of desperation and dread. Characteristically, The Anchoress is not asking us to pray for her, but for people close to her, a family that is in pain and in…

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