As we continue the countdown to Easter — 10 days until the Vigil! — it’s heartening and inspiring to read about those who are making the journey toward that baptismal font. The St. Anthony Messenger has a great piece this month about what that pilgrimage is like: Spring—a time for new beginnings. Twenty-three people with…

I find myself, this Easter, confronting an awesome giant. It is the same massive and beautiful creature that has terrified and intimidated generations of deacons. It stands astride the holiest time of the year, daring you to pass. It laughs as you approach, snorts as you make any attempt to sneak by. I speak, of…

At countless churches around the world this Sunday, Lenten purple will give way to…pink?! No. Rose. The vestments are rose. It is Laetare Sunday, described succinctly right here: The fourth, or middle, Sunday of Lent, so called from the first words of the Introit at Mass, “Laetare Jerusalem” — “Rejoice, O Jerusalem”. During the first…

God of all compassion, Father of all goodness,to heal the wounds our sins and selfishness bring upon usyou bid us turn to fasting, prayer, and sharing with our brothers and sisters. We acknowledge our sinfulness, our guilt is ever before us:when our weakness causes discouragement,let your compassion fill us with hopeand lead us through a…

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