The Vatican has a suggestion: Homilies should be no longer than eight minutes — a listener’s average attention span, said the head of the synod office. Priests and deacons should also avoid reading straight from a text and instead work from notes so that they can have eye contact with the people in the pews,…

Like a lot of places, Boston is trying to lure people back to the confessional this Lent: In an effort to get the reluctant faithful back to confession, the Archdiocese of Boston is launching an unprecedented campaign – called “The Light Is On For You” – using radio spots and a website to promote special…

Looking for some ideas for your Lenten menu? Some cooks in suburban Washington can help you out: Bighearted and proud of her Eastern European heritage, Daria Parrell is a woman who likes to count her blessings. Among them: her ability to cook for a crowd. At this time of year, that amounts to 60,000 dumplings,…

“The Church does not claim that people with a homosexual orientation are ‘bad,’ or that their children are less loved by God. Quite the opposite. But what the Church does teach is that sexual intimacy by anyone outside marriage is wrong; that marriage is a sacramental covenant; and that marriage can only occur between a…

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