As the number of Christians dwindles in that beleaguered country, reports suggest that the celebrations of Christ’s birth are diminishing, too: Christians in Iraq are preparing for a muted holiday season, with one bishop in the southern city of Basra calling for a ban on public festivities while other congregations across the country have canceled…

The decree, from the Vatican newspaper: L’Osservatore Romano on Tuesday congratulated the show on its 20th anniversary, praising its philosophical leanings as well as its stinging and often irreverent take on religion. Without Homer Simpson and the other yellow-skinned characters “many today wouldn’t know how to laugh,” said the article titled “Aristotle’s Virtues and Homer’s…

It happened so quietly, nobody noticed. But the New York Times has the obituary: For more than three decades, they sang Mozart in Latin, Bach in German, and Cole Porter and Stevie Wonder in English, from Alice Tully Hall in New York to Royal Albert Hall in London. Uniforms used by the Boys Choir of…

The ads are popping up in parts of Wisconsin — supposedly with an endorsement of a Catholic organization of young people. Details: There are some new ads airing on radio and TV in Northeast Wisconsin that endorse emergency contraception. The problem? They come from a group that claims to be Catholic. It’s members call the…

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