My mother grew up in a small town in South Jersey, named Pitman, not far from Philadelphia. It was the kind of place you passed through on your way to someplace else. It was pretty unremarkable – there was a Main Street, called Broadway, with a few stores, a bank, a movie theater and a…

Let us pray [for God’s blessing on our country]… Father of all nations and agesWe recall the day when our country claimed its place among the family of nations.For what has been achieved we give you thanks;for the work that still remains we ask your help.Grant that under your providenceour country may share your blessingswith…

What’s a good way to attract women to the religious life? How about this DVD: A San Bernardino Catholic production company is using DVDs to address a vexing problem for the Catholic Church: a severe and growing shortage of nuns. The half-hour DVD, which will be distributed nationwide by Wordnet Productions, features women talking about…

I got a nice e-mail a short time ago, announcing the winners of the Catholic New Media Awards. No, I didn’t win. But I did come in second. A very, very, very distant second in the category for “Best Blog by A Cleric.” Check out the rest of the winners at the link. My thanks…

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