And now for something completely different: spiritual advice for the Facebook generation, from Ireland:

The leader of Ireland’s four million Roman Catholics has urged social-network users to start sending daily prayers by text, Twitter or e-mail.

“Make someone the gift of a prayer through text, twitter or e-mail every day,” Cardinal Sean Brady said. “Such a sea of prayer is sure to strengthen our sense of solidarity with one another and remind those who receive them that others really do care.”

The cardinal also told prayer Tweeters to turn off their televisions, computers and mobile phones to pray more effectively.

The Primate of All Ireland and Archbishop of Armagh was speaking as he unveiled a statue to the man known as the “rosary priest” because of his work to promote the saying of the rosary by families together.

Father Patrick Peyton coined the saying used today by clergy and ministers of all denominations: “The family that prays together, stays together.”

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