A thoughtful reader alerted me to this wonderful news, an early Christmas present to the Church:

St. Joseph Cathedral was filled to capacity on Saturday November 29th to witness the ordination of fifteen men as Permanent Deacons for the Diocese of Columbus. The men processed into the cathedral accompanied by their wives and took seats in the congregation. They were then called forward one at a time to stand before Retired Bishop James Griffin who, acting on behalf of Bishop Fredrick F. Campbell, accepted them as candidates for the deaconate.

Recalling his own experience witnessing the first deacons ordained in the Diocese of Cleveland after that ministry was revived by the Church in the 1970’s, Bishop Griffin called upon these new deacons to embrace the special role of the deacon. He told the men they must live the words of Christ, “Whoever serves me must follow me.” He urged them to minister always in the spirit of Jesus, “It matter little what ministry you are asked to serve or how long you serve. What matters is the quality of your service.”

In conclusion, Bishop Griffin asked the men to consider in everything that they do as deacons, the words that the priest proclaims at the culmination of the Eucharistic prayer: “Through him, and with him, and in him, to you, O God, almighty Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, is all honor and glory, for ever and ever.” This is the spirit with which they are to minister, Bishop Griffin said.

The Bishop them laid hands on each of them and placed the book of Gospels into their hands telling them, as ministers of the gospel: “Believe what you read, teach what you believe and practice what you teach.” They were then vested in their stoles and dalmatics by their brother Deacons.

The new deacons and their parish assignments are:

Reverend Mr. William Andrews – Church of the Ascension, Johnstown
Reverend Mr. Carl Calcara, Jr – St. John Neumann Church, Sunbury
Reverend Mr. William Demidovich, Jr. – St. Michael Church, Worthington
Reverend Mr. Jeffrey Fortkamp – Our Lady of Peace Church, Columbus
Reverend Mr. James Michael Hood – Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Ada and Immaculate Conception Church, Kenton
Reverend Mr. Robert Joseph – Our Lady of Victory Church, Columbus
Reverend Mr. James Kelly – St. Pius X Church, Reynoldsburg
Reverend Mr. Charles Miller – Pope John XXIII Church, Canal Winchester
Reverend Mr. Maurice Milne, III – St. Agatha Church, Columbus
Reverend Mr. Andrew Naporano – St. Margaret of Cortona Church, Columbus
Reverend Mr. Dean Racine – St. Elizabeth Church, Columbus
Reverend Mr. Kasuma Santos, Jr – St. James the Less Church, Columbus
Reverend Mr. Marion Smithberger – St. Timothy Church, Columbus

Reverend Mr. James Sturgeon, – St. Peter in Chains Church, Wheelersburg, and St. Monica Church, New Boston
Reverend Mr. George Zimmermann, Jr. – Holy Spirit Church, Columbus

Congratulations and blessings, brothers!

The Columbus Catholic Times also has a terrific primer on the diaconate, and this fine piece on the most important part of the married deacon’s life and ministry: his wife.

Meanwhile: will anyone ever get that it’s “diaconate” and not “deaconate”?

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