Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows
Adriaen Isenbrant

as your Son was raised on the cross,
his mother Mary stood by him, sharing his sufferings.
May your Church be united with Christ
in his suffering and death
and so come to share in his rising to new life,
where he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit
one God, forever and ever.

— Liturgy of the Hours

Mater Dolorosa – Sorrowing Mother
Rogier van der Weyden – Deposition (detail) — c. 1435

Is there one who would not weep,
‘whelmed in miseries so deep,
Christ’s dear Mother to behold?

Can the human heart refrain
from partaking in her pain,
in that Mother’s pain untold?

– From the Stabat Mater.

Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.
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