How are vocations in your diocese? The St. Louis Post-Dispatch is reporting on the very good news coming out of that archdiocese these days — a surge in priestly vocations, thanks in large part to the efforts of the archbishop: Once or twice a year, each student at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary will drop by Archbishop Raymond…

Rocco got the first scoop on this story yesterday, and now the New York Times is running with it. Seems the Cardinal Archbishop of New York is in a personnel-shuffling mood: Cardinal Edward M. Egan has reassigned almost 10 percent of the active priests in the Archdiocese of New York without adequately consulting the personnel…

I’m not entirely sure what to make of this story, out of Minnesota. I’m sure the priest must have very good reasons for choosing this course of action. But if I had to ask myself WWJD … well, I don’t think it would be this: The mother of a 13-year-old autistic boy who was banned…

I stumbled on this awesome little movie trailer over at Happy Catholic — a big fat hat tip for this one, Jules! — and now I have to agree: this could be a wonderful movie. I’m hoping so, anyway. Take a look. Or visit the official website right here. The movie opens in August. Henry…

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