Seems Cardinal Roger Mahony has recently completed a little real estate transaction: The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has sold its 12-story chancery on Wilshire Boulevard to help pay part of the costs of a record-breaking $660 million lawsuit settlement with alleged victims of clergy sexual abuse reached in July 2007. The archdiocesan newspaper, the Tidings,…

When I was studying homiletics, we were taught to keep our homilies to a succinct seven minutes. Or less. But in this week’s America magazine blog The Good Word, we meet a priest who had a different idea, from blog meister Tim Reidy: How long should a good homily be? That question is often discussed.…

“Instead of choosing ‘great’ or impressive people in the eyes of the world, God uses the humble, the foolish, the weak and ‘those who count for nothing’ to accomplish his purposes. It is when we least expect it that the tiniest among us can humble the powerful.” — Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia, at last…

That issue, of course, is abortion. And the Catholic News Agency today filed this report of a remarkable debate on the issue that just took place in Colorado: A Catholic-sponsored debate about the ethics of abortion packed hundreds into an auditorium on the University of Colorado campus in Boulder, CO this past Friday night. The…

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