Did anyone else notice Mike Huckabee’s unusual quote last night in his Iowa victory speech? A Baptist minister running for president quoted a British convert to Catholicism, G.K. Chesterton:

“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”

Which made me wonder: did Huckabee pluck that wisdom himself? Or does he have a Catholic Chesterton-lover on his staff?

Meantime, you can read what Peggy Noonan thought of last night’s results right here, check out CBS News political consultant Monika McDermott’s take on Huckabee at this link, and mull David Kuo’s analysis of Huckabee and Obama at Beliefnet.

And the always-interesting Deacon Keith Fournier has some thoughts over at Catholic Online:

The questions are now beginning to flow from the lips of the pundit class as the after analysis goes into full gear.

Can the two candidates of change continue their momentum? Can they raise the funds? Can they build the kind of support they will need by bringing together diverse groups within their own respective parties.

Only time will tell.

However, what happened in the Iowa Caucuses tonight, in both major parties, signals a major shift in the American political landscape. It also makes it quite certain that campaign 2008 will be one of the most unpredictable in recent American political history.

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