Over at Beliefnet, David Kuo has posted this snippet from the Sunday talk shows. It’s House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the subject of prayer:

WALLACE: You said the other day that you were praying for President Bush to change his mind about vetoing SCHIP. Do you pray for our soldiers to win in Iraq?

PELOSI: Of course I do.

WALLACE: To win?

PELOSI: Of course I do. Of course. What a question. First of all, I pray for President Bush all the time, and I–prayed especially hard that he would sign the…children’s health bill, because it’s so important to America’s children.

WALLACE: When you pray for President Bush, what do you pray for?

PELOSI: I pray that, that–well, at the same time as I pray for him, I pray for America’s children, and that there can be some compatibility in their thinking. But I pray for his health; his well-being. I pray that he makes the right decisions for the American people, but, when I was–

WALLACE: –Do you ever pray for him to change his policies?

PELOSI: All the time! But–let me draw a line: When I was growing up in politics, we were always told that we shouldn’t pray for a political outcome — that we just pray that God’s will would be done. We pray for the children, we pray for the poor people, we pray for people who need help; and we always, always, always pray for our men and women in uniform, who make our freedom to pray possible.

Well, that certainly makes me feel better.

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