There is a period of time for everyone that is called the learning curve.  Curve.  You can’t see around the edge of a curve, but you do know something is there.  Something just waiting for you to round that bend. So it went on my journey of exploring Polymer Clay.  After the lump incident I…

These are pictures of Carmen Torbus! She’s the author of the book I’m writing about this week. Carmen Torbus is a self-taught mixed media artist and workshop leader from Port St. Lucie, FL.  Self proclaimed bliss follower, big dreamer and lover of the words, “I’m so inspired right now!”, she is passionate about creating art…

Carmen Torbus, in her book, THE ARTIST UNIQUE, encourages everyone with the impulse to create to REACH.  Reach beyond their comfort zone. Reach beyond what they know or think they know…and explore what MIGHT BE.  That is an impulse that has motivated artists through the centuries.  Picasso was famously quoted expressing that if he knew…

Carmen Torbus.  A name familiar to me through industry peers.  In the last year Carmen and I have become more familiar with each other as friends on Facebook.  Her just-released first book was a real celebration.  I was intrigued on many levels.  Carmen always defines herself as a “self-taught” artist.  Each time I would see…

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