Daily Joys and Simple Pleasures

leadership – grow up from the soil of the people.dancing & song – fill the streets with elation.Freedom – be whispered as a prayer. ©mar

You hear it in the coffee shop, the grocery store, the break room.  In your own home you hear it.  You might even hear it coming out, unpracticed, of your own mouth.  Gossip.  Carrying a tale twice removed.  Complaint.  Telling a terrible tale that begins with, “You wouldn’t BELIEVE what so and so was seen…

“The journey is the destination.  Illuminate. The possible is within.” Dr.Kelly Mix Stork   On my way to a professional strategy appointment this reminds  me there will be TWO experts in the room.  My consultant knows business and law and money. I’m an expert in the category of Mary Anne Radmacher.  To illuminate the possible…

“Stand in the center of the circle and let all things take their course.”  Lao Tsu Perfect concept on the heels of just yesterday resigning as general manager of the universe.  At 6:30 AM this prompted me to turn off my alarm and wake up when my body wanted to.  The sore throat propelled me…

Larry Eisenberg said, “For peace of mind, resign as general manager of the universe.”   It was with irony that today I resigned from general manager of everything.   Everything.  I’m in charge of absolutely nothing: but, mostly, the weather forecase of my own heart.  In the course of extraordinary and diverse actions today I…

Amy has participated in numbers of my Focus Phrase processes.  We tease that we are “sisters of different misters,” because we have so many viewpoints common to each other.  She recently sent me a gift of a paperweight that bosses me every day to, “Write my own story.” These days I could go a little…

Start Today A New Direction.The instruction set me on a unique path last October.  All the controversy and loss surrounding the issue of bullying led me to a 3 month S.T.A.N.D. against bullying and for education and new directions.  I shaved my head on October 9…every day I wrote a new resource or educational web…

One of my “phraseologists” has very beautifully described the impact of Radmacher Focus Phrase™ on her life.  I’d love to share it with you.  Even if this doesn’t prompt you to investigate our guided process – perhaps it WILL inspire you to pick up your pen and start looking at your world through the viewfinder…

What will you allow yourself to “breathe in” today that will move you a little closer to your dreams, longings, intentions?   Here’s a look at where the word comes from: ORIGIN Middle English enspire, from Old French inspirer, from Latin inspirare ‘breathe or blow into,’ from in- ‘into’ + spirare ‘breathe.’ The word was…

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