Miss Albers. Mrs. Burbano. Mrs. Schatz, Mrs. Haygarth, Mr. O’Brien, Ms. Newell, Mr. Hammock, Mrs. Sparks, Mrs.  Schukart, Ms. Disney…

Name them.  Go ahead.  Just recollect the teachers that steered you, directed you, challenged you into becoming the WHO that you are today.

In this, National Teacher Appreciation Week, absent the opportunity to speak to your teachers directly, notice what and how YOU teach others.  For, in some way, we are all teachers of something to someone.

Enjoy this piece that the folks at maryanneradmacher.com let me post!  And these quotes on teaching:

“Those who cannot rememer clearly their own childhood are poor educators. Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (1893)

“It is always easier…to manipulate the child to fit the theory than to adjust the theory to suite the child – provided, of course, one is very careful not to look at the child.  Judith Groch, The Right To Create, (1969)”

“We already have so much pressure towards sameness through radio, film and comic outside the school, that we can’t afford to do a thing inside that is not toward individual development. Sylvia Ashton-Warner, Teacher, (1963)”

“Intellectual freedom,of course, implies intellectual diversity.  Frances FitzGerald, Fire In The Lake, (1972)”

“The trouble with education is that we always read everything when we’re too young to know what it means.  And tthe trouble with life is that we’re always too busy to re-read it later. Margaret Barnes, Years of Grace (1930)”

“The world of education is like an island where people, cut off from the world, are prepared for life by exclusion from it.  Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind (1949)”


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