cocoa of whidbey.jpg

Our lives are simply
a succession of nows
.   (taken from PROMISES TO MYSELF, Conari Press)

Cocoa calmly greeted me as I step out from the post office. Cocoa
was an uber friendly chocolate Labrador Retriever. I was buzzingly busy with  errands,  I had the next thing drawing me forward.  Cocoa invited me into her dog medicine

and nothing else seemed as important. 
Cocoa had nudges and soft kisses and profound reminders for me. There is
no “next thing,” she affirmed. 
There’s just this thing. This now. 
Followed by the next now. 
So I visited with her and learned her two-legged companion, her “driver”
 got her when he only had five
grandchildren and now he has eleven grandchildren. That gives Cocoa quite a
succession of nows, doesn’t it? 
And my afternoon just got less hurried,  richer and chocolatier (choc-oh-lot-ee-er). 
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