I am so glad that you have discovered my writing here on belief.net

We are working together to get the system working smoothly for your ease of use.

You are welcome, in these beginning days, to send me a message regarding anything you find not working properly or anything you would like to see that is not here. 

And, an additional note, the advertisements that appear here come arbitrarily and are for your consideration, in general.  They are not my personal recommendations but rather site-wide announcements.  So, if you find an advertisement that is helpful to you – do not thank me.  I cannot take credit for any treasures you find. Nor do I take responsibility for political ads, or otherwise, that might not be your preference.  Or mine!

That said, thank you for being part of the very beginning of a community that I hope will grow in its inspired reach every day.  

Thank you – Here’s a Guatemalan Native farewell blessing, “Long life.  Honey in the heart.  No evil.  Thirteen thank you’s.”

with thirteen thank you’s –

mary anne

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