I was recently thinking about the statement that “sin” is doing something against God’s will.

What exactly does this mean? What is God’s will? Religion is often the “authority” making this statement and is often the “authority” making the “lists” of those things that are against God’s will. Lists that we often blindly follow.

Let’s get rid of the lists – Let’s get rid of the speculation and look at what we know for certain. All we know for certain is that we are each born differently and that change and death are inevitable. If we are truly honest with ourselves – That is God’s will. That we each start out at different places, that we change and that we die.

Everything else is speculation and stamped with human fingerprints.

If it is God’s will that we all start at different places, that we change and we die, it follows that God wants us to be true to our differences – That we honor who we are, change/evolve and return to where we started.

It sounds easy enough, but ironically it has become one of the most difficult things to do in life.

Timothy Velner is a husband, father, attorney and author living in Minneapolis. You can follow his daily blog – a series of discussions between the worry-self and the present-self at – thespiritualgym.me

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