Cosmic Candor

Here comes Rocktober! I love this month — the gorgeous colors of the changing leaves, so much pumpkin pie and my favorite holiday, Halloween. And astrologically speaking, this is the month of the lovely Sun in Libra, when everyone just seems to get along better. I love it. But astrologically speaking, this October has a…

Are you ready for tomorrow’s Full Moon in Aries? We’ve been hearing a lot about it, and I’ve been steeling up for the radical changes it’s expected to bring. By that, I mean storing up on ice cream, frozen pizzas and Kleenex. See, this is an exceptionally powerful Full Moon because it’s making a conjunction…

Excuse me for a minute while I rock out to Glenn Frey: The heat is on … the heat is ah-on. Caught up in the action, I’ve been looking out for you. Oh-wo-ho, oh-wo-ho, tell me can you feel it, tell me can you feel it … Let me tell you, I can feel it.…

I can’t believe it’s almost October. That of course means it’s almost 2013, which means we’re growing close to that ominous date of December 21, 2012 that so many people are freaking out about as “the end of the world.” In case you’re wondering, it’s not. At least not according to those in the Astrology…

Well, no sooner did the Fall Love Horoscopes predict tension in relationships than I had a fight with my boyfriend. We rarely fight, but when we do it’s about the same thing: His inability to read my mind. It wasn’t a big fight or anything, but it’s left me feeling a bit unsettled. And now…

Oh boy. The Fall Love Horoscopes are in, and I’m not sure I like what I see. It appears there’s going to be a lot of tension for everyone to work through in romance and relationships. Gee, when isn’t there? I have to ask … Anyhow, there’s some positive lovey dovey stuff happening –Jupiter Retrograde,…

I love fall, and it finally arrives Saturday. And as I told you yesterday, I’m not quite ready to slip into sweaters and boots, but I am quite ready for a fall feast. Food is the best part of the fall season — starting with all that fresh apple pie and corn-on-the-cob in September, gobs…

Fall arrives Saturday! I’m not sure I’m ready for it, as I’m still in barbecue and camping mode and the weather in Oregon is nice enough to continue doing both. But I am ready for the Sun to move from Libra to Virgo, which also happens on Saturday — and it can’t happen soon enough…

Ok, I’ve already admitted that I don’t always get along with Virgos. But hey, I’m a scatterbrained Gemini, so they don’t always like me, either. But I will say this: There is something very special about those born on the Virgo-Libra Cusp. The days from about Sept. 19 to Sept. 25 fall on the Cusp…

I don’t have a lot of secret desires, but I have a few. And if they’re ever going to reveal themselves to the world, it’s pretty likely it could happen now that Pluto is going direct. This happens tomorrow, just one day before Pluto also makes a powerful square with Uranus. Er, I’m thinking this…

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