circus-wheel-300x300I loved going to the circus when I was little. I was mesmerized by the big cats jumping through hoops of fire and the glittery ladies flying through the air with the greatest of ease …

It’s been years since I’ve been to the big-top, but at least this week is pretty much like one big Astrological circus — although it may not come with the same amount of ease.

That’s mostly because of two major events happening this week — lucky planet Jupiter is moving into Cancer (YAY!) and Mercury is going retrograde in the same sign (NAY!).

Jupiter in Cancer is quite a lucky transit. It means that we’ll have more good fortune surrounding home and family in the coming year.

However, with Mercury going retrograde the same week, we may not feel this lucky energy for a few weeks.

In fact, Mercury Retrograde may put a damper on a few other excellent things happening this week — like love planet Venus moving into fiery Leo (HOT!) and a Grand Water Trine that will stir up emotions (NOT!).

All told, it’s a mixed bag … but I’ll take mine circus style, so LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, let’s make that a bag o’ salty mixed nuts, please!

See this week’s major Astrology events at »

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