Free Tarot reading at Tarot.comEvery time April Fool’s Day rolls around, I think about what a fool my boyfriend is. Heh heh. But I’m not talking literally — I’m talking Tarot.

I’ve had some incredible experiences with Tarot cards, and one of them is having the same card turn up repeatedly in readings to represent the same person. I wouldn’t even believe this is possible if it hadn’t happened to me personally so many times.

Usually it’s the Major Arcana cards that represent people in your life, and sometimes the Tarot cards even resemble those people. I’ve pulled cards that look like me, my boss, my mom — even cards with cats on them when I’m asking a question about something related to my household.

And more often than not, when I do a reading about my boyfriend I pull The Fool Tarot card. It has turned up far too many times to be a coincidence, and down to every detail this card IS him.

In the classic Rider Waite Tarot deck, the figure on The Fool card doesn’t resemble my boyfriend (that’s a good thing, because I’m not into men who wear tights), but there is a small light-colored dog that resembles his dog, and he’s holding a rose — my favorite flower.

The meaning of the card is that of someone who is a bit naïve about what they are getting into — i.e. a relationship with me. It’s a card about someone who is pure of heart and has good intentions, but maybe isn’t so hot at relationship nitty-gritty.

That’s how I interpret it, anyway, and I think I’m right. The only way this card could represent him any better is if he was holding a burrito.

And frankly that’s what Tarot is — it’s about listening to your own intuition, and then realizing that your guy might be The Fool, but he’s still the fool for you.

Or something like that.

Has this ever happened to you? Please do a Tarot reading and let me know what happens. I’d love to hear about your experience!

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