Love Tips for Mercury Retrograde at Tarot.comMercury, my ruling planet, is going retrograde this Saturday, February 23, and I’m always interested to see how it affects my love life. Because it always does!

Last time Mercury went retrograde in November 2012, my love life kind of stalled out. Nothing bad happened, but nothing good happened either. And I can remember having some doubts about my relationship, which kept me very wrapped up in my own mind during that time.

That’s pretty normal for Mercury Retrograde, but that time Mercury was also retrograde in Sagittarius and Scorpio, which had a much more intense impact than the retrograde period coming up.

This time, Mercury is going retrograde in emotional Pisces, so I’m expecting to feel even more confusion about how my guy feels about me, and I might become overly sensitive in relationship matters.

Yipes, it sounds like having PMS for three weeks!

But what’s VERY interesting and important to remember is that Venus is also in Pisces during this retrograde period, and that is a very loving transit. It’s a time when relationships become most tender, so perhaps that will help ease some of Mercury’s mischief.

There are also specific things you can do to keep your love life on track while Mercury spins back. Things like being more patient with your partner and not pushing for big commitments during this time will keep things flowing smoothly.

I’m planning to take a chill pill for the next few weeks and try not to over-react if my guy does or says something that rubs me the wrong way.

I have a little trick I use, even when Mercury isn’t retrograde, which may help even more now. That is, if I start to get annoyed or irritated with something he does or says, I pause before reacting and remind myself how lucky I am to have that special guy irritating me.

Try it, it works!

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