Planet Saturn at Tarot.comIt’s Fat Tuesday, and everywhere I go people are talking about “giving things up.” But frankly, the Astrology of the day is really about NOT giving things up.

Many people are partying for Mardi Gras today, and indulgence is part of that. It’s about enjoying all the abundance they’ll be sacrificing in coming weeks. But the planets aren’t in as much of a party mood today.

Mercury is making a trine to hardworking Saturn now, which is all about getting serious and focusing and solving your problems. But the good news is, the reason to do this now is so that you don’t have to give anything up later!

Saturn is the planet of Karma, which states that if you put in the work you’ll reap the rewards.

So maybe instead of over-indulging today with a plan to give things up tomorrow, you can instead take a closer look at your life now and find a way to get more from it — not less.

That’s what I plan to do, anyway!

Learn more about Karma planet Saturn at »

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