Mercury in AquariusWe’re coming up on some strong Aquarius energy this weekend! Both the Sun and Mercury move into this intellectual and independent sign on Saturday, January 19, but personally I’m more excited about Mercury’s move here.

As a Gemini, Mercury is my ruling planet, which makes me mental — literally. I live in my own head a lot, and when you add to that the fact that I’m an extremely sensitive person, it means I can be a bit of a worrier.

I worry about everything all the time. I once read a line from my Astrology profile that said “Because you fear everything, you fear nothing” and I laughed out loud. So true!

So even though Mercury in Aquarius is also a very mental transit, it’s far less emotional than many Mercury transits. Mercury in Aquarius spurs us to think and talk and question, but in a slightly detached and aloof way.

I can use this transit! If I can curb my emotions and spend some time thinking up brilliant thoughts and grand ideas about my future, maybe it’ll help me stop worrying about it so much — at least for the length of this transit, which is a little over two weeks.

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