Are there any Tarot enthusiasts out there? I know you’re into Astrology, or you wouldn’t be reading this. But when it comes to the art of divination, I like to think of Astrology as a map you can see and plot and calculate, whereas Tarot is more like the mysterious compass that is moved by unseen forces.

I’m a huge fan of Tarot, personally, and I’ve had many readings that changed my life. I find its insight and advice comforting in the darkest of times, and it also helps me pick a path when things are going well and I’m just overwhelmed with options.

Tarot is very mysterious to me still — I just can’t explain it, and I’m still surprised when the same card comes up in reading after reading, even though I know it’s trying to teach me something. But most of all Tarot just soothes my soul by allowing me to tap into something larger than myself and my own petty problems.

Aside from the spiritual reasons I practice Tarot, I’m also a huge fan of the artwork involved in creating so many of the beautiful, fantastical, quirky and imaginative Tarot decks out there.

I was just looking at the “Browse Tarot Decks” page on, which has something like 80 colorful decks all splayed out so you can see them at a glance. And in looking these over, I realized there are a number of Tarot decks that incorporate Astrology.

Three that pop out immediately are Celestial Tarot, One World Tarot and Hermetic Tarot, which all incorporate the wisdom of Astrology with Tarot symbolism. My favorite of these is Celestial (pictured here), but if you’re an Astrology lover who’s interested in Tarot, any of these would be great decks for you!

Let me know what you think!

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