Does it matter whether a person who could become President of the United States can put two sentences together in a way that makes sense? Apparently, it does not. At least not to 4 out of 10 people. A poll taken after the Palin/Biden debate last week showed that 4 out of 10 respondents felt…

We received tremendous response yesterday to our blog on spirituality and health care. Over 50 comments, and counting. Today, a response to all that response. First, a beautiful piece written a person posting as “Diana Ekman”, portions of which I quote here… What ethics should motivate our thinking around health care? Many countries have adopted…

From the standpoint of spirituality – and specifically, the New Spirituality – which U.S. presidential candidate has the best health care plan? Well, to answer that we must first clarify what the New Spirituality says about this kind of thing. What are the values of the New Spirituality as they relate to something as “every…

Is there a ‘spiritual’ way do approach economics? I believe the answer is yes. And I believe that the election in a few weeks in the United States will tell us where the spiritual values of America are. Last week we talked about the two candidates and health care. This week, let’s look at the…

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