Look for the signs. They are everywhere. Wherever we look. Wherever we are. Wherever we go. They are sending us messages is a language that every person can understand—for the wonder is that each person on earth receives his or her own set of “signs,” in a language and in a way that each person can comprehend.
(NOTE: This blog first appeared in this space for a little over two hours last Thursday. I posted a new blog about press fairness with John McCain soon after the day began, and few readers had a chance to see the material below, which is why I have chosen to “re-run” the blog today.)

Signs are posted along the path of life to give us directions, to show us which way we are going, and to indicate the places to which we may go if we choose.
“Signs” are just another word for “conversations with God.” They are the ways in which God converses with us, communicating vital information benefiting the Soul as it continues on its journey.
There is not a day that goes by that does not contain signs. There are many days that go by on which we do not see the signs. We move right past them as if they were not even there. So stay awake. There is always a question in your mind about something, and there is always an answer gift-wrapped in the moments of your life.
Conversations with God says that “life informs life about life through the process of life itself.” Traditional religious teaching tells us that God says, “Even before you ask, I will have answered.” Both of these statements are true. God will not put a question in our mind without providing an answer. Indeed, the purpose of the question is to lead us to the answer—that is, to lead us to the wisdom that the answer provides.
Conversations with God says that eternal wisdom lies within us. Some people have interpreted this to mean that we are “smarter than God.” Yet it is God who has placed the wisdom within us, and life is the process through which we remember the wisdom, by being shown it again, in many ways and in many forms.
Allow me now to give you an example.
For several weeks now I have been pondering a question about my future direction in life. Then, by “sheer coincidence,” I have had a number of people in the past 14 days simply dropping into their conversations with me—totally “out of the blue”—some comment relating to the future endeavors of all human beings, or their own next step (which “just happens” to speak directly to me), or a very direct, personal observation about what I might wish to do next.
I have been astonished that this has been happening with such precision and such regularity. It is almost as if the Universe has heard my question and is using every device possible to scream at me the response. Which is, of course, exactly what is happening.
Now the only question is, Will I listen to the response, or not?
Usually I do not. Like most people, I often miss these signs—and, when I do “catch” them, I go the other way anyway, because more often than not the signs I get are sending me in the direction that it would be most challenging for me to go.
There is a reason for this, of course. The “signs” that we receive from life are pointing us toward the experience that would be most beneficial for our soul’s evolution. That is the purpose of the signs to begin with. Indeed, it is the purpose of all of life. So it can be guaranteed that the signs that life sends us will be confrontive, challenging, and always pointing us to the place promising us our next most powerful opportunity for growth.
The world right now is telling us something about ourselves, about the direction in which we are going, and about the directions in which we can go in the future, should we choose to. All we have to do is read those signs and heed them. Unfortunately, as in our personal lives, most of humanity is collectively ignoring the signs that life is giving us.
We are seeing signs of our species’ very endangerment, and we are ignoring them.
We are seeing signs of our environment’s demise, and we are ignoring them.
We are seeing signs of our spiritual decay, and we are ignoring them.
We are seeing signs everywhere we turn, everywhere we look, and we are looking right through them, as if they didn’t exist. They are in the morning headlines. They are on the evening news. They are all over the Internet. And they are in publications and magazines just like the one you are now reading.
THIS is a sign, RIGHT HERE. This is a sign telling us to LOOK MORE CLOSELY AT THE SIGNS.
Will we heed this sign?
You, yourself, will answer that question in the days ahead.
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