Wednesday is Question and Answer Day on the blog…a time for exploring many of the questions that people have recently asked about the nine Conversations with God books and the New Spirituality. Here’s this week’s entry…
Topic: The company you keep
Question asked by: Robin Price
Question: hi neale, my question is this:
somewhere in one of the books there is a sentence that reads something like “I cannot emphasize to you enough the importance of the people you choose to surround yourself with.” this of course was God talking. i waited for more about that to be said but i dont think it was mentioned again. Did i miss something? and if i didn’t, what do you think about this topic?
thank you for everything neale. i’m so dang excited about my life and God now.
Neale’s Response: Dear Robin…I have learned in my life that I need to surround myself with people who understand and agree with the intentions of my soul and my purpose for being on the earth. Indeed, people who share those intentions and that purpose.
In the past, Robin, I allowed the energies of others to influence who I am and how I am and what I am in the moment-to-moment of my life. I allow that no longer. I make certain that not only the people around me…

…but ALL the energies around me, complement and support every thought that I have about myself and my highest idea about life and how it can be lived from a place of unity and love.
I am, therefore, very careful about the movies I go to, the television shows (there are very few) that I watch, the books that I read, the music that I listen to, the things that I have around me in my home, the clothes that I wear, the food that I eat, the things that I say, the thoughts that I entertain — every energy of life.
Everything is energy, Robin. Everything. And all energy vibrates. Life is nothing but vibration. Things vibrate at different frequencies. I try to make certain that the people and the things that surround me are vibrating at the same frequency as I am. These days I can tell when I am “out of sync” with any person, place, or thing around me. When I feel that experience inside of me, I change my environment as quickly as I can.
Yes, Robin, the people with whom we keep company are very important as we walk this path called life. There are only two questions that are of any importance with regard to this:

1. Where am I going?
2. Who’s going with me?

It is very important never to get these questions reversed.
I repeat: Never change the order of the questions.
If you study the questions you’ll understand why I am saying this.
I send you my best thoughts.
And now, I wonder if you will tolerate my taking some space here to tell you about a really wonderful opportunity that the Conversations with God Foundation is offering that I know will be “just right” for one or two of you reading this…and you’ll be very happy that you found it here.
I’m excited to share with everyone today some news about our Living Your Purpose retreat this Fall that will allow you to bring a friend or companion FREE. To get to the meat of this, scan the final paragraph here. Then you may want to come back and read the rest. Because we’re talking “Two for One” here, folks.
If you yearn to make a contribution that makes a difference and defines who you are in a world of constant challenges and turbulent times…if you want to engage in life work that makes sense to your soul…you know that it isn’t enough to do whatever it takes to stay employed and pay the bills. Life has to be about more than that now. You’ve learned too much, come too far to settle for less anymore.

Now, in what past participants have told us is a truly life-altering event, the wonderful team at the Conversations with God Foundation will join me in delivering seven days that could be of monumental importance to you.
The Living Your Purpose Retreat, Sept. 6-12. will move you to greater clarity on what you want to be, do, and have in your life, right now. Custom-designed for you, Living Your Purpose is a highly focused retreat to inspire you to call forth the greatest personal vision that you’ve ever had for your life and place it into reality using the practical and usable insights of Conversations with God.
This is a chance to really experience the message of CwG, in practical and immediately applicable terms. This retreat brings guidance into your life with a proven process for teaching you how to activate your purpose. This is not a “pep talk” that will wear off in a few days. This retreat is designed to show you how it feels to know and experience your chosen calling in life!
Now here’s that good news I mentioned earlier…
A wonderful gift to the Foundation has made it possible for us to offer, for this retreat, an extraordinary opportunity for you to bring a companion or guest with you, for free. This is part of our commitment to get the message of CWG out to as many people as possible, as rapidly as we can. So sign up now and bring a friend. For more information call Will at 352-442-2244. And thanks for letting me tell you about it here.
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