As all things are buddha-dharma, there is delusion and realization, practice, and birth and death, and there are buddhas and sentient beings. As the myriad things are without an abiding self, there is no delusion, no realization, no buddha, no sentient being, no birth and death. The buddha way is, basically, leaping clear of the…

As a blind man feels when he finds a pearl in a dustbin, so am I amazed by the miracles of awakening rising in my consciousness. It is the nectar of immortality that delivers us from death, the treasure that lifts us from death, the treasure that lifts us above poverty into the wealth of…

Even though the training in ethics takes many forms, the ethics of abandoning the ten non-virtues is their basis. Of the ten non-virtues, three pertain to bodily actions, four to verbal actions, and three to mental actions. The three mental non-virtues are: 1. Covetousness: thinking, “May this become mine,” desiring something that belongs to another.…

If you can forget both clamor and silence, you will surely understand the simultaneous realization of the absolute and the relative. -Lin-ch’uan From “The Pocket Zen Reader,” edited by Thomas Cleary, 1999. Reprinted by arrangement with Shambhala Publications, Boston,

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