Beliefnet is proud to present “Living with Grander Vision,” a 21-day devotional feed based on Bill Hybels’ book Just Walk Across the Room. For the next three weeks, you’ll receive insights into an approach to personal evangelism that ditches tricks and techniques in favor of reaching out with care, compassion, and words that feel natural to you.
Week 1

Living with the grander vision means prioritizing other people above everything else–our wants, our needs, our feelings, our fears, our plans, our present situations, and even our pain.
Week 2
Living in 3D–developing friendships, discovering stories, and discerning next steps–helps prepare us to see and seize open doors for involvement in other people’s lives and ultimately, hopefully, point them toward faith in Christ.
Week 3
The best news we can share with people is that hope and security and love are theirs for the asking. The way we get to share it is by taking walks across rooms.
For more information on the book and individual and churchwide resources, visit
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