Beliefnet definitely has something for everybody. This week we’ve highlighted some particularly juicy topics about relationships, politics, health, and parenting.
Does Marriage Have an ‘Expiration Date’?
“Did anyone notice the article on Politician, Gabriele Pauli — who has shocked the Catholic state in Germany by suggesting marriage should last just 7 years? Any comments, married couples?”—Oceana2

Is Food an Addiction?
“I think comparing weight problems to alcoholics and drug addicts is demeaning but it is a way of keeping us fatties (especially women) in our place. I think there are profound differences in these conditions and should not be lumped together.”- appy20
Raising Interfaith Kids
“My boyfriend and I have been talking about getting married and having children. We are from two different faiths (He leans towards Pentecostal and I am Roman Catholic). We have been struggling with what faith to bring them up in. Would it be best to pick one only or to bring them up in both?”- Czech137
Do You Think Politicians Are Hypocritical About Sex?
“Senator David Vitter of Louisiana has been caught frequenting prostitutes. His behavior stands in stark contrast to the conservative “family values” and harsh sex-negative positions he relentlessly championed in the Senate and state legislature.”- jacknky
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