The Church Basement Roadshow

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There are some folks without whom the Church Basement Roadshow would not have been possible. The first is the inimitable Michael Toy, owner of the RV that carried us over 15,000 miles this summer. The other is the group of sponsors who underwrote the tour in one way or another. I encourage you to click…

Yes, Indeed! Thanks to the great folks at Disciples Fellowship in Birmingham:Church Basement Roadshow from Steve Knight on Vimeo.

Some of the Roadshows were HOT, and by that I don’t mean “cool.” I mean they were hot, like sweaty, humid, disgustingly hot. Of course, there were lots of comments about how the heat made it feel like a real, old-timey revival, and lots of jokes about us wearing three-piece wool frock suits. The funeral…

At every Roadshow stop, people not only were revived, but they also entered a drawing to win gifts from some of our sponsors. Well, here are the winners! The Story: Erich Miller, Tim Ratzlaff TNIV Leatherbound: Helen Barrett, Ben Ash TNIV Study Bible: Chris Salzman, Burke Wallace The Bible Experience New Testament (CD): Suzanne Schmidt,…

Watch to see if you won any of the giveaway items from the second and third legs of the Church Basement Roadshow:

There really is something about facial hair. Since I got home on Tuesday, I took Tanner (8) to see the latest Narnia movie as a reward for having read the book. I noticed that, among the Telmarines and Sons of Adam, all of the bad guys had facial hair, and all of the good guys…

Tim Murphy at the Religion News Service wrote a piece about the Roadshow stop in Washington D.C. Read it HERE.

Doug and I are back in Minneapolis, after closing the Roadshow on Monday in Indy. There’s lots to say in recap, but today it’s all about unloading the trailer and paying bills. More soon…

It seems that the longer we are on tour the crazier Preacher Withee becomes– louder and more ferverent and full of spit and revival fire. He keeps giving it a whoop, and a push, and all he’s got.

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