Is the revival at Ashbury in Wilmore, Kentucky, with continuous prayer and worship on campus for weeks, a sign of Jesus’ return? Anne Graham Lotz, the daughter of legendary evangelist Billy Graham, recently pondered this question. In a recent blog post on her website, the author and evangelist questioned if the Asbury revival could be the “Last Great Awakening” before the Second Coming.
What started as part of a scheduled chapel service in early February in a small Kentucky town evolved into an impromptu gathering that’s since spread to new sites and inspired similar masses on other college campuses. This gathering has drawn thousands of people to experience what God is up to. The New York Times called it the “Woodstock for Christians.”
Other gatherings have been reported at the University of the Cumberlands in Kentucky, Cedarville University in Ohio, Lee University in Tennessee, Samford University in Alabama, Texas A&M University and Baylor University in Texas. The Asbury Revival has also motivated Christian college students to travel to secular campuses to discuss Jesus.
In her post, Lotz said her nephew, Dr. John-Paul Lotz, recently visited Asbury before officials moved the revival off campus. As an associate professor at the Regent University School of Divinity in Virginia, the university sent Lotz to experience the revival firsthand. Quoting her nephew, Anne Graham Lotz wrote, “John-Paul texted me this description: There was ‘no leader, no rival, no envy, no pride, all humility, meekness, gentle hearts, stumbling sinners, tender students serving thousands of curious visitors in their love for mercy without knowing they are doing so!’”
The professor further texted: “It is legit. GenZ write-offs are graciously allowing us to peek in on this surprising work of God as they serve us like priests, unconsciously dragging us into the presence of the Lord through young, redeemed, romantic hearts for God. Christ is being honored; God is being glorified. The Spirit is at liberty. The real awkward cringe-worthy gawkers are the over forty’s like myself who can’t put down their phones. The Z’s left theirs at home.”
Anne Graham-Lotz questioned whether John-Paul was experiencing the latter rain, referring to an outpouring of the Holy Spirit before the Second Coming. Then she quoted James 5:7, which reads, “Therefore, be patient until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain.”
She concluded her blog post by praying, “Lord God, let it be so, for the glory of Your great name, for the salvation of our nation, for the revival of Your people.” According to Pastor Greg Laurie, the last spiritual awakening with young people was in 1970.
We may never know why thousands went to the small town of Wilmore, Kentucky, for the Asbury Revival. Perhaps it is a sign that more people are ready and willing to accept Jesus into their lives or were curious about the events. Whatever the reason, the Asbury Revival may not be the last.