The conflict going on between Russia and Ukraine is on the minds and hearts of everyone. However, many Christians believe that this conflict is a sign that we’re in the last days. Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California, has responded in a video to Christians wondering if there’s a correlation between end-times prophecies and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Laurie openly shared why he thinks we’re living in the last days and discussed numerous signs that might signal the fulfillment of biblical prophecy.

Laurie said, “I believe Christ could come back at any moment. There are signs of the times the Bible tells us to be looking for.” He also shared Jesus’ words in Matthew 24, specifically in verses four to 14, that warn of wars, rumors of wars, plagues, and other elements leading up to the end of days. Laurie didn’t directly tie the turmoil in Ukraine to these prophetic elements, but he noted that there are reasons why so many people are asking end-of-times questions about current events.

Ukraine, COVID-19, and government overreach are just some of the problems igniting a slew of curiosities among the faithful. For Russia’s invasion, Laurie noted that the dismay is understandable, saying, “This is a war on a scale we have not seen in a long time.” He talked about Ezekiel 38’s prophesies of a “Gog from Magog,” stating “Magog” is believed by many to be Russia. “When I see the aggression of Russia or ‘Magog,’ if you will, it’s a reminder that that’s what we’re going to see when ‘Magog’ attacks Israel,” he said of the prophetic events discussed in Ezekiel.

Beyond that, Laurie pointed to COVID-19 and contemplated the plagues that could precede the end times, saying, “If the coronavirus is not a plague, I don’t know what it is.” Laurie also talked about his belief that the Bible prophesies a coming antichrist who will rise on the international stage. He believes that some of what is happening today could be providing a preview of what’s to come. Laurie said, “I believe a lot of this government overreach, imposing themselves on their people, is a sign of what is going to come later when the antichrist emerges on the scene.”

In the short video, Laurie talked about numerous issues but concluded by mentioning why he believes Bible prophecies are unfolding in real-time. Instead of inciting panic, he called followers to Christ, saying, “We should look up, and we should remember that God is in control. We win in the end.” Watching the news in times like this can certainly overwhelm you. However, instead of letting the information consume you, remind yourself that God will have His way.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the COVID-19 pandemic are two things that most people have never seen in their lifetime. Still, we must cling to God and take comfort in the fact that He is in control. He will never leave us or forsake us, and when the end times come, He will carry His believers on to His glorious kingdom. Until then, all we can do is live by His Word and continue to trust Him.

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