Chattering Mind

There are many ways to meditate. You don’t have to sit in a lotus position for hours, chanting “Om.” That works for some, but not for others. More than a year ago, producer Lisa Schneider and I created a webpage that will instruct you in fifteen different meditative methods. Most are accompanied by audio…

One reader writes: “When my mind gets to chattering, I sit down and write out everything that I am worrying about. This helps to quiet my mind. About a month or so later, I go back and read it. I end up saying to myself, ‘Now what was I so worried about? None of this…

Carpentry has a rhythm that should neverbe violated. You need to move slowly,methodically, never trying to finish early,never even hoping that you’d be done sooner.It’s best if you work without thought of theend. If hurried, you end up with crooked door joints and drafty rooms. Do not workafter you are annoyed just so the jobwill…

While we’re on the subject of writing, author, editor, and sacred treasure Garrison Keillor is an important part of my life. He is one of the highlights of my day, in fact. And I am indebted to Jim Kullander of the Omega Institute for telling me that I could get Keillor’s “Writer’s Almanac,” (a short…

How can you resist them, especially at this time of year? Taking a hot water bottle to bed is a delightful way to end a busy day. Brooklyn integrative nutritionist Rachel Kieffer tells me they aid digestion. And while they’re not the sexiest of appliances, (“No dear, that’s not ME, that’s my hot water bottle!”)…

Has this ever happened to you? While driving down the road in your car, you spy an individual who has jay-walked standing on the two yellow lines in the center of the road. You think: “My God. This person is in danger!” So you slow down and check your rear view mirror to make sure…

Of course when you are paying so much for organic groceries, you do not have much money left over to buy a new winter coat. That’s why I shop for my clothes in consignment shops. So on my way to pick up my two young Chatterings from school, I threw our car into park at…

I knew it was going to be a busy week, so I decided to stock up on groceries at The Park Slope Food Co-op immediately after dropping my young Chatterings at school. Forty-five minutes later, I’d accumulated an admirably large and healthy haul–two carts worth in fact–of whole foods goodies, including two fifteen pound pumpkins…

I gave up cigarettes when I was twenty-eight. Then I let the coffee drop. Strong Lipton tea? Yeah, that was bad. Now it’s down to green tea, white tea, and Kukicha twig. It sounds like I’m an old elk in deep winter, longing to chew bark! Actually–this is funny to me–while in college, I used…

I received a note from a woman who writes that her uncontrolled chatter “seems to be stemming from the rejection of someone I have been in love with.” “This person is not in love with me,” she goes on to say. “And all I can think about is the pain of the rejection. It is…

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