“There are hundreds of activities designed for protection that are supposed to prevent negative energy from disrupting the healthy or healing state, such as wearing amulets or saying magical words. I’ve probably tried them all!

“After a lot of disappointment, dashed hopes, and discouragement regarding techniques, I found that the only true stability and protection is the connection with Nature, Source, God, the Universe–however you name it. So often we focus on the people or issues that depress us and expend our precious life energy flailing in the mire of negativity. No one can avoid difficulties, but moving past them and reuniting with Spirit renews our life-sustaining Flow.”

–from Joyce Whiteley Hawkes’ book “Cell-Level Healing.” Hawkes received a Ph.D. in biophysics from Pennsylvania State University and worked as a research scientist in marine fishery until a near-death experience inspired her to return to school, earn a master’s degree in pastoral ministry, and explore indigenous healing traditions throughout Southeast Asia.

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