I found the following passage in Christian Hummel’s “Space Clearing Kit: Working with Nature to Enhance the Energies of Your Home.” She calls it “a personal demonstration of the transformational power of accepting what IS.”

It only takes a minute or two. Try it, then tell me how it worked for you.

1. Take any particular emotional, physical or mental condition that you have deemed a problem.

2. Focus your attention of that situation or problem.

3. Make no attempt to change it, resist it, or have it be in any way different.

4. Simply bring your total awareness–without any resistance–to the situation.

5. Do this for a minute.

6. Notice what you feel afterwards.

Did you notice that you felt a relief of stress, anxiety, worry, pain, or any other symptoms of your resisting this situation? Much of our stress is not a result of the problem itself, but of our unwillingness to be present with the situation.

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