Nina Utne has a good article in the July/August Utne Readeron how Mathew Sanford, then 13, survived the trauma of losing a father and a sister and becoming paralyzed himself in the same car accident. Twenty years later, Sanford is a paraplegic yoga instructor who “pays close attention to the mind-body connection.” His book “Waking:…

Hey guys, I’m wondering why nobody responded to that William B. Yeats quote I posted a few days ago. It made my week, so I was hoping it would leave you similarly dazzled. The fact that the great Irish poet writing a friend in the last letter before his death could say that he was…

Speaking of diet, here’s a great guide to how the world’s religious traditions view consuming meat. Pretty fascinating. I personally feel that the meat I eat must be humanely raised and butchered. And I’m getting stronger in my resolve not to eat conventionally raised beef and chicken in restaurants, whereas in the past there have… recently ran an interview with spirital author and teacher Doreen Virtue. Here’s my favorite passage of her “Lightworker’s Prayer,” which is printed in its entirety at the end of the article. “I accept a steady diet of love and joy, knowing that I deserve happiness and health. I willingly and lovingly release all ego…

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