Chattering Mind is now on an e-mailed Beliefnet newsletter called GLOW that can rest peacefully within your virtual inbox of work memos, love letters, and spam, gently beckoning you to open it up and savor its helpful contents. “Helloooooo. Find peace. Open GLOW.” Don’t you hear the music? Don’t you already feel more relaxed?

Actually, it’s not just me that can come–like an angel–fluttering into your sacred cyberspace directly, it’s a truly excellent five-day-a-week roundup of inspirational material. The GLOW newsletter includes: cool audio lessons from top spiritual authors (provided by publisher Sounds True); daily spiritual guidance, uplifting quotes, quizzes, discussions and other tools for your journey. And then of course, me, Chattering Mind, yours truly. I am flattered.

It’s all free. Sign up here.

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