No president enjoyed a longer, deeper unquestioned love from the media than Barack Obama.

Those days appear to be nearing an end, however, as even MSNBC’s Chris Matthews may no longer be getting shivers down his spine, or weak at the knees when the president speaks.

Perhaps the trillions spent to little effect and the force-feeding of a health care program has something to do it.  Or from the left, simmering wars and too few social programs to their liking.

Whatever the case, most reporters are still afraid to ask tough questions of a president who bristles at them.

Here are a few White House correspondents who have gone against the grain, however, and particular credit goes to the first two for doing so at the beginning of the Obama administration:

Bret Baier

1. FOX News’ Bret Baier — The channel’s former White House “guy” is very knowledgeable on subjects and tough as  they come. A solid newsman. No wonder the president wants to eliminate this news outlet.

2. ABC’s Jake Tapper — This guy has guts, particularly coming from an organization that really smooched up to the president in his early days in office. He asks tough, but fair questions and demands answers with follow up questions, when necessary.

3. NBC’s Chuck Todd — A bit of a surprise, I know, but if you notice the last few months, as the economy continues to tank Todd has gotten more and more fiesty. You can see the president getting ticked at Todd, and THAT shows he’s doing something right.

Agree, disagree? let me  know…and thanks for reading!


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