Fox passes on Christian Super Bowl ad. The spot, from the Fixed Point Foundation, nudges viewers to checkout a website called The 316 refers to John 3:16 which reads “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal…

Sundancing around faith. Writing in First Things, Anthony Sacramone makes some excellent points about how the presentation of faith and religion has changed over the years.Citing an article in the LA Times about faith-themed movies screened at Robert Redford’s Sundance Film Festival, Sacramone notes how movie makers have gone from giving us faith-inspired movies like…

MTV Programming boss says network will stick with Skins despite shedding of advertisers and viewers.  Sounds like a sound business decision to me. Actually, David Janollari claims the network has “not lost any advertising dollars on the show” (despite a ninth advertiser pulling its spots from the show). That may be true, in a way.…

The wisdom of Ernest Borgnine. Upon winning a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Screen Actors Guild, the legendary 94-year-old Oscar winner (for Marty in 1955) had this to say: “We are a privileged few who have been chosen to work in this field.” He added “I hope that we will never let our dedication to…

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