Casting Stones

As anyone interested in the American electoral process knows that on April 6 at a supposedly private fundraiser of extremely affluent, latte-sipping, cheese-tasting, wine-quaffing, limousine liberals at the ground zero of elitism—San Francisco—Sen. Barack Obama uttered these now infamous words: “And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or…

Steve Gutow is executive director of The Jewish Council for Public Affairs. This is his reflection on the answer Senator Clinton gave to his question at Sunday night’s Compassion Forum for the presidential candidates. The full exchange between Gutow and Senator Clinton is below. The pretext for the question is China’s continued subjugation of the…

Dr. Frank Page is President of the Southern Baptist Convention. This is his reflection on the answer Senator Obama gave to his question at Sunday night’s Compassion Forum for the presidential candidates. The full exchange between Dr. Page and Senator Obama is below. Barack Obama was grateful for the work Southern Baptists have been doing…

Dr. David P. Gushee is Distinguished University Professor of Christian Ethics at Mercer University and author of The Future of Faith in American Politics: The Public Witness of the Evangelical Center . This is his reflection on the answer Senator Obama gave to his question at Sunday night’s Compassion Forum for the presidential candidates. The…

Lisa Sharon Harper is cofounder and executive director of NY Faith & Justice in New York City. This is her reflection on the answer Senator Clinton gave to her question at Sunday night’s Compassion Forum for the presidential candidates. The full exchange between Harper and Senator Clinton is below. I thought Senator Clinton’s answer was…

Dr. Joel C. Hunter, is senior pastor of Northland, A Church Distributed, outside of Orlando, Florida. This is his reflection on the answer Senator Clinton gave to his question at Sunday night’s Compassion Forum for the presidential candidates. The full exchange between Hunter and Senator Clinton is below Since my question referred to Sen. Clinton’s…

The Barack Obama moment is happening at a time when the church I pastor is finding new unity amidst diversity. Our congregation might not vote in unison this November, but we can testify that a unifying message like Obama’s is suitable for the pulpit as well as politics. Once wracked by division and intolerance, Grace…

If all goes according to plan, on or about May 7, a group of evangelical leaders–including the Rev. Rick Warren (of Saddleback Church and “Purpose Driven Life” fame) and Leith Anderson, president of the National Association of Evangelicals–will publish a document to be called “An Evangelical Manifesto: The Washington Declaration of Identity and Public Commitment.”…

In his book, Who Really Cares: the surprising truth about compassionate Conservatives (Basic Books 2006), Syracuse University Professor Arthur C. Brooks demonstrates that “conservatives” give considerably more money and time to charitable causes than do liberals, thus proving that “compassionate conservative” is not an oxymoron. Once again, Dr. Brooks mugs common cultural perceptions with massive…

Do “conservatives” give more to charitable causes than “liberals”? According to Syracuse University professor Arthur C. Brooks, they do. Dr. Brooks, a professor of public administration at Syracuse’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, was quite astounded with the results of his own research, which was so at variance with the common perception of…

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