Sarah Palin electrified the Republican National Convention last week. The Democrats are still smarting from her one-liners, and senior McCain advisors have to be concerned that, while she excites the party’s base, she also outshines the candidate. They will, no doubt, continue using her as the campaign’s “attack dog,” but there’s another aspect of her…

Much has been made of the Democratic Party’s new platform plank on abortion. Jim Wallis has hailed the new language as “an historic step forward.” Is it? Well, Sen. Obama says that “words matter,” so let’s examine the actual words. It is true that the Democrats did add language stating that the party “strongly supports…

Sen. John McCain electrified the Republican base and millions of people of every political persuasion last Friday when he selected Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate. Why? First, because she is a reform-minded, no-nonsense, pro-life, pistol-packing hockey mom with five children. And her pro-life convictions have been illustrated vividly by her…

Like most pro-lifers, I’m ecstatic at the choice of Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska as Sen. McCain’s vice presidential running mate. I’ve already received more than a dozen calls from pro-life leaders around the country, both Catholic and Protestant, who are giddy at Sen. McCain’s choice. At the Saddleback Civil Forum, Sen. McCain said that…

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